Department of Education Certified Agreement 2019

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The Department of Education Certified Agreement 2019: What You Need to Know

As a teacher or employee of a school district, you may have heard about the Department of Education Certified Agreement 2019. But what exactly is it, and how does it affect you?

Essentially, the Department of Education Certified Agreement 2019 is a legally binding agreement between the Australian Government and the Australian Education Union (AEU). It outlines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers and education support staff working in public schools across Australia.

The agreement covers a range of important issues, including salaries, working hours, annual leave, and professional development opportunities. It also includes provisions for addressing issues such as bullying, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace.

One of the key features of the Department of Education Certified Agreement 2019 is its commitment to improving the quality of education for students. As part of the agreement, teachers and education support staff are required to participate in ongoing professional development to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest teaching methods and technologies.

Another important aspect of the agreement is its focus on work-life balance. The agreement includes provisions for flexible working arrangements, such as part-time work, job sharing, and leave arrangements. This is particularly important for teachers and education support staff who may have family or other commitments outside of work.

In terms of salaries, the Department of Education Certified Agreement 2019 provides for annual pay increases for teachers and education support staff. However, the agreement also includes provisions for performance-based pay increases and bonuses, which are linked to improved student outcomes.

Overall, the Department of Education Certified Agreement 2019 is an important document for those working in the education sector in Australia. It provides a framework for addressing key employment issues and ensuring that teachers and education support staff are able to provide the best possible education for students.

If you are a teacher or education support staff member, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the details of the agreement. You can access the full text of the agreement on the Department of Education website, or speak to your union representatives for more information.