Verb in Agreement Subject

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As a copy editor with experience in search engine optimization (SEO), I have seen many articles and blog posts that suffer from a common grammatical error: subject-verb agreement. Ensuring that your verbs agree with their subjects is crucial for effective communication and can also impact your site`s ranking in search engines. In this article, I`ll explain what subject-verb agreement is and provide some tips on how to avoid common mistakes.

The Basics of Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement refers to the relationship between the subject of a sentence and the verb that follows. Simply put, the verb must agree with the subject in terms of person (first, second, or third) and number (singular or plural). Here`s a quick example:

– The cat (singular subject) meows (singular verb).

– The cats (plural subject) meow (plural verb).

In the first sentence, “cat” is singular, so the verb “meows” must also be singular. In the second sentence, “cats” is plural, so the verb “meow” must also be plural. It sounds straightforward enough, but there are some tricky cases that can trip up even experienced writers.

Tips for Avoiding Subject-Verb Agreement Mistakes

1. Identify the subject and its number before choosing a verb.

It`s important to identify the subject of the sentence and determine whether it`s singular or plural before selecting a verb. This may seem obvious, but sometimes writers get sidetracked by prepositional phrases or other modifiers that can confuse the issue. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what the subject is before you start writing.

2. Watch out for compound subjects.

Compound subjects are two or more nouns or pronouns that join to form a single subject. For example:

– Apples and oranges are my favorite fruits.

In this sentence, “apples” and “oranges” are both nouns that form a compound subject. Since they are both plural, the verb “are” is also plural. If one of the nouns were singular, the verb would need to be singular as well:

– Apples and a banana are my favorite fruits.

In this case, “bananas” is singular, so the verb “is” must also be singular.

3. Be careful with collective nouns.

Collective nouns, such as “team,” “committee,” or “family,” can be singular or plural depending on the context. For example:

– The team is ready to play. (singular)

– The team are arguing amongst themselves. (plural)

In the first sentence, “team” is a singular subject, so the verb “is” is also singular. In the second sentence, “team” is still the subject, but it`s treated as a plural because the members of the team are not in agreement. Make sure to consider the context when dealing with collective nouns.

4. Be consistent with verb tense.

In addition to ensuring subject-verb agreement, it`s important to be consistent with verb tense throughout your writing. Switching between past, present, and future tense can be jarring for readers and make your writing seem disjointed. Choose a tense and stick with it unless you have a good reason to switch.


Subject-verb agreement may seem like a minor detail, but it can have a significant impact on the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. By following these tips and paying close attention to your subjects and verbs, you can avoid common mistakes and produce polished, professional content that ranks well in search engines.